Getting and building the latest version from source
Download and install Apache Ant
Download the latest version of build.xml from Sourceforge. Save it to the root of the directory you wish to download all the source files.
Open a command prompt and type ant checkout . This will get the latest source files from Sourceforge.
To build FractalJ, type ant build at the command prompt.
ant run will now start the compiled application. For more options, ant -projecthelp will list the commands available in build.xml.
Writing your own module
Writing your own module requires a minimum of one class. Simply create a class that extends the org.fractalj.ui.AbstractOutputPanel class. Extending this abstract class will require you to implement 3 methods. They are:
draw() : This method draws any output to the protected field m_graph . The base class will take care of the double buffering.
getDefaultViewBounds() : This should return a org.fractalj.util.Bounds instance representing the real world (i.e. cartesian) bounds of the output.
getTitle() : Returns the title of the module that will be used in the title bar of the window and any menus.
Once implemented, add the class to the list of org.fractalj.ui.AbstractPanel s listed in the org.fractalj.panels preference. The module will automatically be added to the contents when the application starts up.